Hilarious ad from Thailand (again), #ShopsforShopless – more than just an ad from Cadbury India: creative ads of the week

Last year Cadbury India createad a Diwali ad which was more than just your typical 30-second ad. This year too have they have come up with an initiative which seeks to create impact on the ground. I also came across another audacious creative idea from a Thai brand. All this and more in my weekly compilation of clutter-breaking creative ads (and ideas).

Snack Jack: simple solutions

Ads from Thailand truly stand for out-of-the-box thinking. Their ability to come up with unusual creative ideas, executed with flair, local flavour and very often self-deprecating tone, is truly commendable. They make entertaining ads with a clear, compelling sales message. They demonstrate that its possible to not bore people with conventioanal, templatised ads even for product categories where its difficult to anchor an idea on a truly differentiation product feature.

A new set of ads for Snack Jack vegetable crackers are hilarious, anchored on the product idea (tenuosuly if I might add) that they are a ‘snack that believes in positive thinking’ as whatever unexpected flavour it pairs with, it’s positive taste will be awesome’. It is all held together with an over-the-top, with an obvious ‘don’t take this advertising seriously’ tone which makes it all very endearing and funny.

Agency: Adapter Digital Agency

Vodafone Ireland: Giga Home

Portrayal of father-daughter relationships are guaranteed to tug at out heartstrings. And with a connecting line like ‘some connections you can always rely on’, Vodafone hits it out of the part in this ad from Ireland anchored on the relationship between a daughter and her father who has seemigly sepeareted from his wife.

Agency: Grey

IKEA: it won’t feel like home

‘The Wonderful Everyday’ theme from IKEA is highly campaignable as seen in this latest ad. I liked the perpective of the ad – as seen from the eyes of the ‘house’ and not the user. A grouchy house is turned into a welcoming home.

Agency: Mother, London

Dole: Malnutritional Facts

When it comes to choosing taste over health, we know what most would choose – the former, right? That eplains our craving for tasty food which is ofen unhealthy. But neverthrless, constant initiatives to educate people about the ills of junk food – even if it makes a difference among a few are welcome. An activation programme in the UK from Dole has a provacative stance – a poster (placed next to vending machines) claims it has more nutrition (as it is printed from dye made of fruits & vegetables) than the food in the machines nearby.

Agency: St. Luke’s

McDonald’s: Fries Claims

After reading about an initiatve from Dole to get people to eat healthy, here is a clever campaign from McDonald’s – to get people to eat more fries. A new campaign against ‘fry theft’ (a common occurence in a group I guess) features a ‘lawyer’ who promises that ‘justice and fries will be served’.

The camapign is taken forward on Twitter by asking folks to give details of ‘fry theft’ for adequate compensation. Mad fun.

Agency: Leo Burnett, UK

Cadbury India: #ShopsforShopless

In November ’21m Cadbury India and Ogilvy used Artificial Intelligence to help small store owners create their very own personalised ads using a virtual Shah Rukh Khan as their ‘ambassador’. It was a much celebrated campaign as it ticked several boxes: use of technology for good in advertising, going beyond mere claims to actually do something on ground while keeping it all in line with sharing celebrations – a core promise of the brand. A new initiative promises to create

A micro portal allows users to register a seller.

Agency: Ogilvy

Which one was your favourite? Comment in.