// Booths launches next day click-and-collect to help customers during pandemic
// Booths staff will take payment by phone & goods can be collected in-store or brought to a customer’s vehicle
// Booths plans to make it regular service in the coming year
The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has prompted Booths to launch a next day click-and-collect service for the first time, although payments for online orders are taken by phone.
Launched today, the service aims to help customers have safer access to groceries during the pandemic.
The northern grocery chain said customers can choose from than 150 products to order online, although a Booths staff member would take payment over the phone.
Customers can then arrange to have the goods collected either in-store as early as the next day or brought to their vehicle.
There is a £3 charge for all click-and-collect orders and customers will have to pay 20p for each of the bags used to pack the goods.
Booths said it plans to make click-and-collect a regular service and will extend its capacity throughout the coming year.
“We brought forward our plans to launch our click-and-collect service as it presents a convenient and efficient way to shop at Booths,” the grocer said.
“The addition to the click-and-collect service will help many customers who are concerned about their health and others access groceries without the need to shop in-store.
“Booths have worked quickly to implement this system at a time when supermarkets are under tremendous pressure and trials of the service have been very successful.
“Booths prides itself on looking after our customers and these additional services have been appreciated and valued by our local communities.”
The retailer already offers an emergency food delivery service for vulnerable customer living within a three-mile radius from a Booths store.
The emergency food delivery provides vulnerable customers a choice of 14 essential grocery bundles containing milk, bread, eggs, pasta, tea, fruit, vegetables and meat.
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