// Primark donates 74,000 products in NHS Nightingale care pack initiative
// Care packs contain underwear, leggings, T-shirts, footwear & towels and follows calls for essential items from the NHS
// Primark has made similar donations in other countries where it trades, such as Ireland, Italy, Spain and the US.
Primark has donated 74,000 items to patients and NHS front line workers working at the new Nightingale hospital in London.
The value fashion retailer is making the donation in the form of care packs which contain underwear, leggings, T-shirts, footwear and towels.
They will be used by medical staff who are frequently working back-to-back shifts or living away from home, as well as patients who need a change of clothes or toiletries.
The donation is in response to calls for essential items from the NHS and follows donations already made to the London Ambulance Service.
Other retailers that have made donations to NHS Nightingale include M&S and the John Lewis Partnership, while Tesco is set to open a series of pop-up convenience stores on Nightingale sites around the UK.
Primark has made similar donations in other countries where it trades, such as Ireland, Italy, Spain and the US.
Across the markets in which it trades, Primark said it would distribute care packs containing approximately 400,000 items.
“This is our way of saying thank you to the healthcare heroes working tirelessly in the fight against Covid-19,” Primark chief executive Paul Marchant said.
“We are proud to be able to provide much-needed everyday and hope this will make things a little easier at the end of long shifts.
“I also want to thank all our colleagues who have played their part, volunteering to pack, coordinate and deliver care packs.”
NHS Nightingale deputy chief executive Matthew Trainer said: “NHS Nightingale staff will find these packs of great use.
“This gesture means the world to our teams and is a great example of the generosity that that has been shown to the hospital since it opened.”
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