STORIS’ Blog Ranks on Feedspot’s Top 100 Retail Blogs

STORIS’ Blog Ranks on Feedspot’s Top 100 Retail Blogs

STORIS’ Blog Ranks on Feedspot’s Top 100 Retail Blogs

Feedspot ranks the best retail blogs using search and social metrics.  STORIS’ blog ranked #57 on the Top 100 Retail Blogs and Websites for Retail Industry Professionals list.  The rankings for Top 100 Retail Blog Winners are based on Google search rankings, popularity and influence on multiple social media channels and Feedspot’s editorial team and experts reviews on quality and consistency of blog posts.  We were excited to be ranked among blogs we respect and honored to be the only blog listed that caters to the home furnishings industry.

As the leading provider of integrated retail software solutions for the home furnishings industry, we provide industry focused content that is important to our readers. Our blog includes industry news and features, STORIS’ employee & client profiles, trade show recaps and more!

We believe that having a strong social media presence is significant in today’s marketplace.  We strive to provide influential and engaging content to our followers on our social media channels.  Being noticed as a Top 100 Retail Blog Winner is a great excitement for our team and we can’t wait to share our new upcoming blogs!