COVID-19 presents stressors and uncertainty for every individual. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have provided tips on how people can protect their mental health. Read highlights from the CDC’s overview below. For more information, visit the CDC online.
Take Breaks From the News
The CDC recommends staying alert and informed on the latest COVID-19 updates in your community, but recommends taking breaks from media coverage to safeguard your mental health.
Connect With Others
Though social distancing is strongly recommended during the COVID-19 pandemic, that doesn’t mean you have to be cut off from friends and family.
Call loved ones, especially older people in your life, to check in on their well-being and connect with them. Many people also have access to videochat features on their smartphones or laptops and tablets, enabling a new depth of connection amid social distancing.
Prioritize Your Physical Health
One of the key ways the CDC recommends protecting your mental health is by not forgetting your physical health.
The CDC recommends remaining active by taking a walk in your neighborhood or a local park while still adhering to social distancing guidelines.
Eating healthy and avoiding drugs and alcohol are also critical steps to mental wellness during COVID-19. The CDC recommends eating well-balanced meals, getting plenty of sleep and even meditating.