Participate in the Cost of Doing Business Study

Cost of Doing Business Study

March 26, 2020
Operations, Research and Guides


NRHA is now collecting information from independent U.S. hardware stores, home improvement centers and lumberyards for the 2020 Cost of Doing Business Study.

NRHA confidentially collects financial data from thousands of independent retailers to complete the Cost of Doing Business Study, which helps retailers understand how their business compares to typical and high-profit operators in the industry. It also allows retailers to determine ways to increase profits and strategize for their financial future.

Participation is free and confidential and grants participants access to the study’s results. To learn more or sign up, visit

How to Participate
Participate in the Cost of Doing Business Study to gain access to the study’s results and to help retailers like you. The information you provide is confidential. Choose from four different ways to upload, email or mail your information.

  • Option 1
    Complete the Cost of Doing Business Study form and upload your documents online at
  • Option 2
    Email your company information and 2019 year-end financial statements to NRHA.
  • Option 3
    Print and complete the survey and mail it to NRHA.
  • Option 4
    Fill out the “company information” section of the survey and attach a copy of your 2019 year-end financial statements and mail them to NRHA.

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