How Stream’s FullThrottle Website Attracts and Converts Mobile Users for Your Dealership

As the world grows more connected, mobile shopping has become more ubiquitous than ever. A study by Pew Research Center indicates that roughly four out of five Americans shop online. More than half have made a purchase from a mobile device.

FullThrottle Automotive Marketing Platform caters to this new generation of shoppers. As an advanced, mobile-first marketing platform, it harnesses the qualities that mobile users care about most to attract, delight, and convert prospective customers. Sounds appealing, doesn’t it?

We’re here to break down the details and show you how this mobile-friendly platform can drive sales. Sit back, buckle up, and enjoy the ride!

What Mobile Shoppers Want

When it comes to mobile shopping, not every website is created equal. (And you know that, or you likely wouldn’t be here!) Shoppers have high expectations for their mobile shopping experience, and as it turns out, those expectations are often similar.  

In a survey by Mobile Marketer, mobile internet users were asked to identify the top three elements that most influence their decision to return to a mobile internet site. They said:

  1. Speed at which the site loads
  2. Ease of navigation on the site
  3. Quality of content on the site

Mobile Marketer also discovered that mobile shoppers were among the most decisive online shoppers. Their searches led to action within the hour. By contrast, 70 percent of desktop users only acted after at least a month had passed.

In other words, it can be a stone’s throw from attracting your mobile audience to converting them! The FullThrottle platform from Stream is perfectly positioned to help your dealership do just that. How? Let’s explore what this mobile-first marketing phenomenon offers!

Visual Content Made for Mobile First  

Humans are visual creatures. According to research, 90 percent of information transmitted to the brain is image-based. These days, 84 percent of content is now visual as well.

You can inform and entice your leads with visual content via FullThrottle. Put crisp, clean imagery in front of your shoppers’ eyes, including thumbnail images that are easy to click and enlarge. All buttons are big enough to click, too, with legible text that makes it easy to call interested leads to action.

Visual symmetry is key, whether it’s balance between text and images or any other elements on your site. FullThrottle uses principles of reflection symmetry for a natural look on a mobile device. It’s aesthetically pleasing and will keep your site visitors engaged.  

Menus feature prominently and are quickly accessible to help users navigate your site. Plus, with multiple themes and options to choose from, you can customize your site to reflect your brand.


Lexus LX

The Visual Symphony of FullThrottle

What happens as you shop on the FullThrottle web platform? It’s nothing less than a full-blown visual symphony. FullThrottle takes things into overdrive with a highly image-based experience. Shoppers can research their favorite models on your website and see more than just facts and figures.

Your customers can scroll through visual descriptions of a car’s most attractive specs and qualities, told in an easy-to-understand way. Words are surrounded by—and superimposed on—vivid snapshots of the vehicle itself. Pictures say so much more than words, don’t they?

See the striking fascia of the Lexus LX on the roads—or the comfy and connected interior of the Toyota Camry. Let your customers picture themselves in that beautiful ride. It may drive them to convert!

Infinite Scroll—Shop without Limits

Have you ever been left in loading limbo? That spinning wheel can be infuriating, and it’s liable to turn shoppers away from your site—even if it the wait is just a few seconds!

Attention spans are short, and mobile users are juggling many priorities at once. Car shopping is on their mind right now. Waste your chance, though, and they may be back on Google, searching for answers to other pressing questions. (Do worms have eyes? How much does it cost to go to Mars?)

By the time they’re back to car shopping, they may end up on another dealer site and totally pass you by. It’s true what they say—strike while the iron is hot! That’s why Infinite Scroll might be one of the most valuable tools in the FullThrottle suite.

How does it work? From a user perspective, quite simply. It continually loads new sets of vehicles as you scroll down the Search Results Page (SRP). For mobile shoppers, who have smaller screens and much more scrolling to do, this is especially helpful.

With no page refresh and a 0-second load speed, there’s never a break in the action!  

Showcase Your Deals with Ultimate Specials Builder

There’s no better way to snag shoppers than a good deal. The Ultimate Specials Builder helps you share your finance, lease, or buy-now specials with shoppers in the most intuitive way.

Add them to your specials page and every piece of related inventory on your SRPs and VDPs—even as a filter on your SRPs. Let your customers shop for cars the same way they shop for everything else: by seeing what’s on sale.

Returning Shoppers? Remind Them What They Want

According to Forbes, the customer leaves without converting in 75 percent of e-commerce website visits. This isn’t a total loss, though, as many of those site visitors will return a second or third time.

If they’ve already spent enough time on your site to remember and return to it, that’s good news. In fact, it’s a sign that they’ve evaluated their initial experience positively. You’re on the right track!

Now, it’s time to remind them of the value you can offer. Your leads may not remember precisely which vehicle(s) they were considering, whether earlier in the day or last week. That’s okay, though, because FullThrottle does.

Returning visitors will be shown recently viewed and similar vehicles on the homepage, SRPs, and VDPs. In fact, they can convert on the spot without going into the VDP. It’s one more way the FullThrottle suite streamlines shopping to keep your leads invested and on track to convert!

Shy Shoppers? Bring Them out of the Shadows

There’s one group of shoppers we haven’t focused on yet: The ones who don’t convert. Your website gets plenty of anonymous customers every day. They browse around, click through your inventory and reviews, but fail to purchase from you. What about them?

FullThrottle lets your dealer identify prospects before they contact you. Its geolocation and enrichment technology can target these leads and market to them. Send all sorts of marketing materials in the first 48 hours after they visit your site, from direct mail to mobile-first email to other creative content.

Keep your dealer at the front of their mind. You’ve already attracted their attention—now’s the time to keep it and guide them to convert!

Request a Free Demo Today

Take pride in your website—make it mobile-friendly and, above all, people-friendly! The elements above combine to create an online experience that satisfies mobile users’ most basic needs. Attract and convert more customers than ever with FullThrottle Automotive Marketing Platform.

Let’s revolutionize your online presence together! Request a free demo today and let the team at Stream Companies show you what it means to be mobile-first.