on Feb 16, 2017
Texas Tech Graphic Design Student | Intern Since January 2017
There’s a bright personality filled with spunk, humor and talent in the creative department, and it’s safe to say that our art intern, Maria, has definitely won our hearts. In addition to creating inventive graphics, Maria is also known for her clever puns and Parks and Rec references. We occasionally catch her sneaking a taste of every flavor of coffee available in the break room too. Treat yo’ self to a glimpse of this energetic, ukulele playing intern. Trust us, she is too likable.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Well-read & well-traveled.
What’s a typical day like as an intern at RD Thomas?
Every day varies, and I love that! That being said, typical days usually include updating old designs, creating graphics, mounting projects, and taking advantage of whatever free food is in the break room.
How did you hear about this internship opportunity and what steps did you take to get here?
I toured RD Thomas’s old offices back when I was a sophomore and thought it looked like such a cool place to work. Then late last year one of my professors got news of the internship opening and passed on my name, so I got my portfolio together and came in for an interview…which I guess went pretty well!
How is this internship different from how you expected it would be? Or is it playing out exactly as you thought?
I’m continually surprised and impressed by how well the team here maintains a streamlined, professional environment that’s still so easygoing and fun.
What are you hoping to learn while interning at RD Thomas?
How to use that dang espresso machine!!!
What’s the greatest lesson you’ve learned at RD Thomas?
Work with people you admire. You could be getting the best projects in the world, but you’re never going to love your job if you don’t enjoy and respect the people you work with.
What is the strangest assignment you’ve been given?
I got to mount and trim a giant check once. That was cool.
What is the most fun assignment you’ve been given?
On one of my first days here I put together a little graphic for social media and got to play around with animation software, which was really fun!
What is the worst assignment you’ve been given?
I really don’t think I’ve been given any bad assignments. #knockonwood
What do you do for creative inspiration?
Get out of my house or look at old pictures of places I’ve traveled to! If I need to clear my head, I’ll go for a run. If I need to fill my head, I’ll read poetry.
What was/is your favorite class at college?
Design classes aside, I once took a philosophy class called Logic which counted for a math credit, and it pretty much blew my mind.
Which class has proven to be most beneficial in regards to your internship responsibilities?
Which advertising/graphic design project are you most proud of?
I designed a restaurant branding system for my Visual Systems class last year, and I was really happy with how that turned out.
When you’re at a buffet, how many trays of food do you start off with?
One. The key words in that sentence being “start off.”
Pandora or Spotify?
Easiest question. Spotify allllllll the way. (literally, all the way. Do yourself a favor and get Premium)
Who would you let punch you directly in the face?
Jake Gyllenhaal…
What are you secretly good at?
The ukulele!
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
My mom’s home-cooked meals.
What was the last picture you took on your phone?
The sunset through my car windshield (don’t worry, Dad, I was at a stop sign).
Favorite current TV show?
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
What was the last movie you watched?
Evil Dead….not by personal choice.
Tell us something we don’t know about you.
I went to high school in Scotland! Yes, it was the best time of my life, and no, I can’t do the accent. 🙂
Anything else you’d like to add?
I don’t believe in leaving questions blank.