on Mar 3, 2017
Texas Tech Public Relations and Business Administration Student | Intern Since January 2017
Well-traveled, well-dressed and well-informed; our ad intern, Jack Ciampi, contributes a fresh young mind that our media team can mold into a team member of the future. From putting his writing skills to good use and contributing ideas, Jack has made his mark as a team player and future leader. We relish that kind of energy around these parts! Explore our pizza-craving, adventure-expert below. You’ll discover that he’s as cool as he sounds.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I would love to work in sports marketing someday for an organization like FIFA or the Olympics. In my next life though, I would want to be an astronaut.
What’s a typical day like as an intern at RD Thomas?
I think all interns who have ever worked at RD Thomas would agree that no one day is the same and there is never really a set schedule of events. That’s what makes it fun. I’m always trying to find new jobs and tasks to do.
How did you hear about this internship opportunity and what steps did you take to get here?
I heard about this position while interning at United Supermarkets and applied online as soon as possible.
How is this internship different from how you expected it would be? Or is it playing out exactly as you thought?
Coming into this internship, I didn’t have many expectations except having an open mind to learning anything and everything. With that being said, I have learned more than I would have ever expected.
What are you hoping to learn while interning at RD Thomas?
I’m hoping to gain a new perspective for the needs of a diverse set of clients and how to approach these needs differently based on their style. I have only worked on marketing from the perspective of the client and never from the agency.
What’s the greatest lesson you’ve learned at RD Thomas?
I’ve learned a great deal of flexibility and creativity. Each task requires an open mind to new possibilities as there is not usually one solution to a problem.
What is the strangest assignment you’ve been given?
I helped the creative team fold little origami houses for City Bank and it was actually really fun!
What is the most fun assignment you’ve been given?
Any project for United Supermarkets. I enjoy using my experience to come up with fresh ideas.
What do you do for creative inspiration?
I try to imagine different perspectives by thinking about not what I would find interesting but what other people would find interesting.
What was/is your favorite class at college?
My favorite class is my Sports Public Relations class. I love sports and it’s awesome to use public relations in a field like that.
Which class has proven to be most beneficial in regards to your internship responsibilities?
My Honors Travel Writing class. It is completely unrelated other than the fact that it has forced me to think outside my normal standards for creativity.
Which advertising/graphic design project are you most proud of?
I am actually just now learning the art of graphic design in my Sports Information class, but get back to me in a year or so and I’ll have a plethora of completed projects!
When you’re at a buffet, how many trays of food do you start off with?
Two! One for each hand. I am always hungry and enjoy the food.
Pandora or Spotify?
Neither. Apple Music!
Who would you let punch you directly in the face?
John Legend. He just seems too nice to actually make a punch hurt.
What are you secretly good at?
Racquetball. I have a pretty good forehand.
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
A 7.99 Large 3 topping pizza from Dominos.
What was the last picture you took on your phone?
A meme about Harambe the Gorilla.
Favorite current TV show?
Impractical Jokers. I could watch and laugh for hours!
What was the last movie you watched?
The Arrival.
Tell us something we don’t know about you.
I have traveled to 26 different countries and hope to keep adding to this. I also attended Dhahran Academy High School in Saudi Arabia before graduating and coming to Texas Tech. I’m now a member of the International Student Council and I love my international friends.
Anything else you’d like to add?
Never stop exploring!