News about coronavirus (COVID-19) is everywhere. There’s so much to think about at a personal level for friends and family. But it isn’t being insensitive to consider the implications this may have on your company and your employees, especially if your company isn’t running online accounting. That’s why you need to be looking for the best online accounting software to keep you going.
At Alta Vista Technology, the human implications come first. But we also wanted to look at practical ways to help companies operate more efficiently. It’s possible, after all, to not only persevere through adversity but thrive. While we never imagined a global pandemic as the obstacle to overcome, we believe investing in modern accounting solutions like Sage Intacct can pay big dividends while other companies are left behind.
Starting Life Remotely
Having a mobile workforce is nothing new but allowing employees to work remotely is an increasingly sensible option. Born-in-the-cloud solutions like Sage Intacct can grant access wherever you have an internet connection if you allow it.
The tight compliance within Sage Intacct means that logins and activity within the system get logged automatically. Just knowing that functionality exists means your mobile workforce can show their productivity without the worry of employers questioning their work.
And when accounting questions come up, Sage Intacct uses the same technology in Salesforce Chatter (referred to as Sage Intacct Collaborate) to allow users to ask questions within the system. You might not need a separate email client – or at least you can use one a lot less – to be productive in the system.
Communication is key to keeping an organization running smoothly.
Cash is King
With any disruption to the marketplace, revenue can tail off while costs hold the line… which can make cash management mission-critical.
Fortunately, Sage Intacct can help here as well. A recent update added Bank Feeds to the system, which allows bank reconciliations to move ahead at a faster pace. Now the system looks for matches between Sage Intacct and your banking solution and auto-matches or shows exceptions. All this makes your system dashboards as accurate as possible.
Have a smaller, less recognized bank? No worries. Sage Intacct has a marketplace partner who can link even the most obscure banks to Sage Intacct for the same functionality.
Clever reporting within Sage Intacct can warn you of potential trouble. Put your mind at ease by being well-positioned in an uneasy market.
Move with Promise
With the information in hand, you have the tools to be decisive. The biggest mistake a company can make in times of uncertainty is to let the moment paralyze them.
With a move to the cloud, your leaders have the flexibility to make snap decisions. Your executive team can make more informed moves with deeper reporting. Working remotely, your accounting team still has access to the systems they need to get the job done. Your business becomes less rigid and more forward-thinking, productive, cost-efficient, and future-proof.
The goal is simple: prepare your company so it’s well-positioned to sprint ahead when the troubles in the market subside. Make sure you have the best online accounting software available to move forward.
If you would like more information on how to prepare your business and the step needed to move to the cloud, please let us know. You can give us a call at 855.913.3228, send us an email at [email protected] or fill out our simple web form and someone will get back to you within 1 business day.
Published by: Alta Vista Technology