Supporting Each Other During a Crisis

  • Message from Mark Canes

A Message from Blue Link ERP President, Mark Canes

Just like almost every other company during these past couple of weeks, Blue Link ERP has had to make some changes as we continue to navigate the ever changing COVID-19 crisis. As I write this, I am sitting in my makeshift home office. All Blue Link employees are now working remotely to help flatten the curve as part of the social distancing efforts recommended by our governments and health care professionals.

Facing an unknown future, it can be scary to think about the impacts COVID-19 will have on individuals, communities, businesses and the world economy. During this time of instability, it is inspiring to see people helping each other and the community at large in a selfless manner. We can also take some positives from the creative ways in which people are staying connected and businesses are continuing to help customers. Thankfully, today’s technology makes it possible to communicate around the world, maintain relationships and foster new ones. Supporting each other during these times will help us to come out stronger and more connected than ever before. We’ve already started to see good examples of retail businesses focusing efforts on online sales, and gyms, schools, art classes and other in-person businesses live-streaming and creating video content for customers, as well as businesses changing their manufacturing practices to focus on those essential medical, household and safety items in high-demand.

The truth is, some SMBs will have to close their doors, but hopefully, we can all play a part in limiting the numbers. Consider supporting a local company, small business, new brand, friend or neighbor these next couple of weeks in whatever way you can, and actively support the businesses that have temporarily shut their doors when they re-open again in the future.

As we all experience history in the making, our thoughts are with the world as we collectively try to navigate through this very challenging period. While some of our normal business operations have changed, our commitments to our employees, partners and customers have not.  We have been providing other SMBs with the tools and software they need to be successful for the past 28 years and Blue Link will continue to do so as we remain open for business. The relationships we have with our partners and customers run deep and we will continue to provide services and offer help in any way possible to get through this together.

To those around the world suffering from the impacts of the virus, our hearts are with you and we wish a full recovery. We believe that together, with some creative thinking and open minds, we will not only survive this crisis, but thrive again in the future.

Mark Canes




Mark Canes, President

Blue Link ERP