Podcast episode 10: How can digital signage help retailers?

April 17, 2020

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Podcast summary

In the past, many predicted that online stores such as Amazon would be the death of physical retailers. However, physical retailers were able to survive the initial salvos of Amazon and are slowly recovering by integrating both online and physical features into their overall strategy. As retailers battle each other and online-only stores for supremacy, one tool that can help them get a leg up is digital signage, which is the topic of today’s podcast.

In today’s episode of the Digital Signage Today podcast, Bradley Cooper, editor of Digital Signage Today, spoke with Kelly Harlin, analytics platform strategist for NEC Display Solution’s Alp platform, to get her take on how digital signage can help retailers. She also discussed how retailers can measure the effectiveness of digital signage with innovative analytics tools.

During the interview, Harlin addressed a number of questions such as

  • What are some ways retailers are using digital signage now?
  • How can they improve their digital signage strategies?
  • What tools can help with measuring ROI?
  • How can digital signage truly boost retail sales?

You can listen to the interview in its entirety above.

Topics: Digital Signage, Customer Experience

Companies: NEC Display Solutions

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