Every week I attempt to curate a list of clutter-breaking ads (or the occasional commentary on the business of advertising). This week, ads from Coca-Cola, Canal+, Amazon and more.
Canal: papa
While I shared this film from Canal+ earlier too (the link is brokenI, it popped up as a winner in the recently announced London International Awards in the online films category. CANAL+ is the main partner of the Clermont Short Film Festival, the most important short film event in the world. As a tribute to the short film genre, CANAL+ has released a short film of its own. Wickedly funny, it blurs the line between pure entertainment and a ‘commercial’ film.
Agency: BETC
Currys: Stuffed
It’s difficult for a multi-brand retail outlet to figure a service differentiation. In that context, I liked the proposition of ‘friendly, knowledgeable, well-trained staff’ as that can make a difference to the shopping experience of an average customer. In the recent pst, UK retailer Currys has encouraged customers to stay in touch with the latest tech. A new ad dramatises the product awareness and training the store assistants get in a visually memorable manner.
Coca-Cola: real magic of Pujo
Almost through the year, India offers ample opportunities for marketers to ‘connect’ with their audience by portraying shared sentiments around festivals. Around this time of the year, many brands create special films for Pujo – aimed at the West Bengal market. It especially makes business sense for brands associated with shopping and food. A new ad from Coca Cola breaks the clutter with superb execution of ‘a day in the life of’ approach. As someone pointed out on LinkedIn, many Pujo ads leaves the locals cold (probably appealing more to Bengalis outside of the state) while this one strikes a chord locally.
Agency: Ogilvy
La Famiglia Rana: Bravo Brian
It could be argued that the larger competition of packaged food brands – be it ready to eat or ‘easy to cook’ is the concept of a traditionally prepared meal. A charming new ad for a pasta brand has that undercurrent, but drives home the ‘as good as a traditional mea’ idea very well.
Agency: BMB
Nationwide: a good way to bank
Apparently, more than one in eight bank branches are to close in UK by 2023. A new campaign from Nationwide drives home the stability of the bank. It reassures customers (and prospects) with:
Unlike the banks, we are not owned by shareholders. We are owned by our members. And it’s why we are keeping branches open on high streets across the country”
The TVC does a great job of portraying the selfish, un-caring boss.

British Heart Foundation: questions
‘Does it speak to me, as a reader?’ is a great yardstick to measure relevance of an ad? I would imagine several readers of this ad would see personal relevance of this question and the helpful approach of the foundation.

Cadbury Dairy Milk: #SitTogether
In the UK, ‘There’s a glass and a half in everyone‘ is a long-running campaign which tells touching stories of small acts of kindness as manifested in the gifting of, what else, Cadbury Dairy Milk. Recently, we have an Indian version of that thought which works because of the sweet gesture to someone who hardly expects it.
Agency: Ogilvy
Norwich City Football Club: check in on those around you
I could guess the likely twist to the plot in this wonderful ad to raise awareness about mental health. But nevertheless, a riveting watch and a much needed cause.
Nike: CGI
Clips from what appears to be an ad or Reels for Nike’s GT series are doing the rounds on social media. Great use of CGI that brings a smile.
Taylors of Harrogate: big family
The self-deprecating ‘You are not going to do a big musical, are you?’ as the lead in to exactly that worked for me in this song & dance routine for a coffee brand. Did it work for you?
Agency: Lucky Generals
LEGO: Rhythm & Bricks
The travails of a regular work day and how they all can melt away with some alone time with LEGO comes across superbly in this music video (where the song is available on Spotify too) and not a conventional ‘advertisement’.
LEGO Agency/Billund
Michelob Ultra: marathons
An alcohol brand being associated with a marathon as sponsor? Without getting into the logic of that I liked the juxtaposing of what would be typical ‘drunken scenes’ in the context of a sporting event where endurance is key.

Amazon: Food too
Talk about the power of distinct brand identities. A simple proposition like ‘we also deliver food’ is brought alive in imagery that reinforces the famous logo.

Which one was your favourite? Do comment in.