Advertising competes for our attention. We tend to ignore it as we have more important issues occupying our minds. Add to it the general clutter of media and we have to appreciate creative ads which get noticed and stay memorable. My weekly compilation of clutter breaking creative ads is a small tribute to such efforts. Here are a few creative ideas which caught my eye this past week:
Pinterest: ‘Don’t don’t yourself’
I liked this campaign for two reasons: it made to see Pinterest in a different light and loved the tag line. I am not a frequent user of Pinterest and have scrolled through the app to look for vintage ads and maybe some phone wallpapers. I guess the use case is different for others who probably see it as a source of inspiration for creative idea or reference for fashion & styling. I liked the premise on which Pinterest is presented:
Our latest campaign highlights how Pinterest is a different side of the Internet, where you can focus more on doing and less on viewing, where you can find what you love and forget about likes and where you can plan your life and try something new, free of judgment.”
Pinterest is positioned as “anti-don’t” and as a platform where people go to do. I liked the personification of emotions or mindsets that hold us back – ‘fear of failure’, procrastination and such like. Portraying rest of the web as ‘doomscrolling’ also felt right as most other social media platforms do create negative emotions.
Agency: Uncommon
Under Armour: Be The Athlete No One Saw Coming
‘Who will be the next ‘someone famous’? is a common obsession in the field of sports. A new, rising sportsperson is routinely compared with a legend. Even in business, it is common for a new service to be referred to as ‘Uber of something’. In this context, I liked the new campaign idea from Under Armour as it ‘aims to help fuel self-confidence in youth athletes and provide new opportunities to forge their own path to greatness—no comparisons necessary‘. The creative idea is engaging too: US athlete Tom Brady writes an open letter to young athletes and is read out aloud by Morgan Freeman. The brand is walking the talk with a grant to budding athletes too.
INEOS: You can handle anything
Imaging getting into a crowded category of hand wash & sanitisers in the post pandemic era. Industrial brand INEOS has launched a new ad in the UK, which breaks through category clutter even though there’s nothing inherently unique about the product – and hence a generic message.
Agency: The&Partnership
Giffgaff: fixed UK prices for 2023
A telecom operator in the UK, Giffgaff has announced ‘fixed prices till 2023’. The ad has an interesting perspective – there’s no guarantee of what will change by then. Legalised chatbot marriages, more changes in 10 Downing Street are all predictions held together with ‘one less thing to worry about’ claim.
Agency: Neverland
IKEA: Bring home to life
A cover verison of Elton John’s ‘Your Song’ fits perfectly in this achingly sweet spot for IKEA Canada.
Navneet Education: #TrForTeacher
You know an ad is popular when it turns up in your WhatsApp groups as a video and not just as a YouTube link. This one, calling for teachers to be honoured with a title similar to other professionals such as doctors or defence force personnel struck a chord.
Agency: FCB Interface
Hotels.com: find your perfect somewhere
Loved the idea of presenting a hotel property in the manner of a typical classified ad seeking the perfect match. It positions the brand as more than just an aggregator. The copywriting for each property matches the destination too in terms of characteristics highlighted and tone of voice – it all brings a smile and makes the brand endearing.
Agency: Wieden+Kennedy
Which one was your favourite? Do comment in.