Mulino Bianco to restart from the little moments of happiness with Publicis Italy in latest advertising campaign
Forty-five years after its founding, Mulino Bianco – one of the biggest brands among the Barilla company and the leading brand of baked products in Italy with more than 140 references in its portfolio, the brand which has established the breakfast culture in Italy – launches a new advertising campaign that focuses on people and their personal pursuits of happiness. Especially in these moments marked by fears and uncertainties.
In a campaign created by Publicis Italy and directed by award-winning filmmaker Gabriele Mainetti, Mulino Bianco reminds Italians that happiness is possible even today. We just need to look for it in the little things.
Often, people take little things and everyday pleasures of life for granted. But these are the very things that can bring us joy – even if it’s just for a while. They are the ones that can help us look at tomorrow renewed optimism despite living during a period marked by uncertainty and fear.
The new communication format, introduced by a film-manifesto, features a child protagonist who struggles with his personal pursuit of the things that make him happy.
After which, a series of commercials will gradually introduce the other characters who all seek different forms of happiness through little moments, moments shared with Mulino Bianco. We will meet those who love jumping in puddles, sliding on handrails and eating a Crostatina crust side first.
These are all little moments of happiness, intimate and personal, and different one from the other. In them, we can all identify ourselves and find reminders of how happiness isn’t such a remote and unreachable aspiration.