// BRC and unions join forces to work on a joint submission to government plans for reopening high streets
// Submission expected to propose separate entrance & exits for big shops and guidance on social distancing measures
The BRC and trade unions have put aside their differences to work on a joint submission for the government’s plans to reopen UK retail after lockdown.
According to The Telegraph, the BRC worked with shopworkers’ union Usdaw to compile its submission to the government, which had a focus on how the sector can emerge from lockdown without threat of industrial unrest.
The submission also reportedly contains proposals for bigger shops to have separate entrance and exits, and guidance on keeping social distancing measures in place.
Meanwhile, the TUC union reportedly called for risk assessments for those returning to work, after a survey it conducted found that two in five employees felt worried.
“There has never been a more important time to work together with government and stakeholders to support businesses and ensure the safety of retail workers across the industry,” the BRC’s Tom Ironside told The Telegraph.
The Department of Business is slated to publish guidance on how to return to business after lockdown sometime next week.
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