The Karnataka government has indicated that it is planning to open shopping malls, a host of commercial and industrial activities across the state, except the containment zones, from May 4.
After a cabinet meeting that discussed the post-May 3 roadmap, chief minister BS Yediyurappa told reporters: “As COVID-19 cases are likely to continue for 2-3 months, both economic activities and efforts to control the pandemic must go hand in hand. We’ve decided to give permission to start industrial and commercial activities in all places, except the containment zones, from May 4.”
The government is awaiting guidelines from the Centre before rolling out the plan.
“I’m confident the PM will permit all activities since it’s the expectation of all states,” he added.
Since Monday, the state government has already allowed functioning of IT and ITeS sector, select industries, 15 government departments, agriculture and allied activities, besides standalone shops in largely unaffected districts in green and orange zones.