Be Part of the Annual Retail and Consumer Goods Analytics Study!

Click here to take the survey!

Now more than ever, data and analytics are the fuel that powers the retail industry. However, many companies are still in their infancy when it comes to this vital capability, leading to supply chain hiccups, operations inefficiencies and unhappy consumers.

Help RIS understand the current state of analytic maturity in the retail industry and the future plans for ongoing investment by companies looking to stay ahead of the competitive curve.

The survey is short and should take just 5 to 7 minutes to complete. The results will be the foundation of our annual Retail and Consumer Goods Analytics Study and will be presented at Analytics Unite in Chicago in October and published online by both RIS News and CGT.

For every qualified retail executive that completes the survey RIS will donate $10 to COVID-19 relief efforts

Help RIS benchmark the industry’s analytic capabilities.