Myntra announced the launch of Myntra Studio, a personalized content destination on the platform that provides users with access to original, exclusive, inspirational, entertaining and shoppable content at scale.
By bringing the fashion influencer community to the fore and allowing customers to follow their favorite brand and creators, Myntra will be able to deliver high quality, entertaining and informative content that matters to its fashion-forward customer base. The concept is designed to keep pace and stoke up the dynamic and diverse fashion culture among shoppers in India and will cover fashion, beauty and entertainment news, tips, hacks and insider tricks to looking and feeling great.
This content-led personalised experience is set to elevate the Myntra app from a shopping-app to a habit-app by delivering fresh, relevant and inspirational content every time users open their feed. The platform will deliver personalized content, based on customers’ browsing history and shopping preferences. In the launch phase, Myntra will go live with 2,500+ pieces of content, a combination of images and videos, of which, there will be 1,000 pieces of celebrity-led content to give customers access to the life and style of the fashion elite. Everything is shoppable on the feed and Myntra Studio will seamlessly close the loop, from inspiration to commerce.
Myntra Studio will also serve as a platform for fashion influencers, with a knack for creating content and showcasing their unique personalities, to connect with a wide user-base seeking to keep up with the latest trends and styles. About 70 percent of the content on Myntra Studio is currently led by influencers.
Speaking on the launch, Amar Nagaram, CEO, Myntra, said “Myntra Studio vastly expands on our content-led approach, strengthening our fashion proposition and consumer engagement. We want to drive more engagement on the platform through Myntra Studio’s original and valuable content, while its shoppability feature will allow us to come full circle with our customers. This platform will also enable and encourage more conversations on fashion and lifestyle, led by influencers, celebrities, and brands.”
Myntra Studio, an end-to-end in house product, is available within the Myntra app itself. The content’s built-in shoppable feature will allow customers to like and save their favourite looks, tips and tricks to their wishlist directly while viewing the content. Myntra’s vision is to democratize fashion through technology, and this is a feature which brings fashion and lifestyle closer to our customers. Myntra Studio will also allow our customers to follow their favourite influencers, brands as well as hashtags within Myntra Studio.