PALM DESERT, Calif. — BritePool, the nation’s leading company dedicated to providing identity verification for effective digital advertising, announced that it would provide web publishers with free Single Sign-On technology, to enable them to enroll and authenticate website visitors seamlessly. The announcement was made at the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Annual Leadership Meeting.
BritePool (www.BritePool.com) releases free Single Sign-On technology at IAB annual meeting to aid web publishers in gathering first-party data.
“To help ad-supported open-web publishers avoid potentially substantial costs, we decided to offer our Single Sign-On technology for free,” said David Moore, the CEO of BritePool. Moore is also an Ex Officio member of the IAB Board of Directors and former IAB Board Chairman.
“Ongoing changes in browser technology and expanded consumer privacy concerns are shifting the playing field for programmatic ads. To maintain advertising revenues, web publishers will need to grow their first-party (logged-in) user bases,” said Bob Perkins, BritePool’s COO. “We decided that we could help the industry, and benefit BritePool, with this offer,” Perkins added.
“We are now talking with early advertisers about the benefits of BritePool,” said Moore. “BritePool delivers unprecedented value to programmatic advertising on the ad-supported open web. By targeting the BritePool ID (instead of cookies), BritePool combines accurate ad-delivery to verified identities, advertiser access to previously unreachable website visitors whose browsers currently block third-party cookies, and the preservation of consumer privacy,” Moore added.
“Of course, we hope web publishers who adopt our SSO technology will work with BritePool to grow their revenues,” said Moore. “But it’s not a requirement. We are making a no strings attached offer,” he added.
“Ultimately, every publisher will employ Single Sign-On (SSO) technology in the way that fits their audience and content,” said Perkins. “We are releasing mockups of the SSO technology that we created for CBS, one of our supporters. These are merely different illustrations of possible implementations,” Perkins added.
About BritePool
Located in New York City, BritePool is the nation’s leading company dedicated to providing identity verification for advertisers and publishers, to enable effective programmatic advertising, while preserving consumer privacy, in the approaching world without third-party cookies. For additional information, visit BritePool.com.