STORIS Spotlight: Todd Rutler
We spoke with Todd Rutler of our Product Services Department to find out more about him, both in and out of office. Find out what he told us below:
What is your official title? Product Services Supervisor
How long have you been at STORIS? I have been at STORIS for over 12 years.
What does your job consist of on a daily basis? I regularly work on helpline cases as well as handle internal training and development.
What do you like most about working here? The best thing about working at STORIS is the other employees. Being able to work with such a great group of people makes everyday fun and exciting. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t laugh for some reason.
How did you get started in the field? I went to technical school to try and further my education.
If you didn’t have your job here, what would you be? In a dream world, I would be a professional baseball player.
What superpower would you choose and why? If I could have any superpower I would choose to be able to travel through time. Not only would it allow me to travel back in time to meet people I would like to meet but also allow me to travel into the future so that I can ensure that everything is turning out how I plan for it too.
Any hobbies/hidden talents? My hobbies are playing and watching just about any sport and building Lego castles with my daughter.
Who is your favorite band/singer? My favorite all time band would be a tie between The Who and The Beatles.
What is your favorite sport? Baseball is my favorite sport to watch and play but I am willing to watch any and every sport.
If you could meet anyone in the world, who would it be and why? If I could meet anyone in the world it would be Stephen Hawking. I think it would be a great experience to meet one of the smartest people alive and try to learn even a little from him.
What is your favorite holiday? Christmas is by far my favorite holiday. I am always the first one awake in the house.
What is your zodiac sign? I am an Aries, born in the year of the Goat.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself. I am involved in a youth organization and coordinate the yearly convention for the state. When I was younger and a member of the organization I was elected by the members to be the president of the group for the state for a year.